Monday, July 21, 2014

February 2013 - TV Show

Uncovering old writings and digital documents.
This was from February 22nd, 2013. 
Softly self-deprecatory spoofs.
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Katie, Get Out of My House! 
very short snippets of Katie in different people's houses being weird and being told to leave.
[snippet #1]
transition into TV show environment. studio audience, theme music. Katie sits at a table with the host. 
[brief chat]
((in the Show studio, Katie is smiley and proud, although still somewhat oblivious and awkward. her character in the snippets may be inconsistent.
[more snippets]
host talks to Katie about what a productive week of getting asked to leave houses. host comments on some highlight moments, asks Katie about her personal favorites.
host asks Katie what it's like.

host moves on to the next guest, but Katie is still sitting there.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Dream Pickings

Dream Pickings
by Katie Baker

 We talk about sparks and fire
 like a force that shreds us all.
Chasing the wind of the moment, grappling
with the bursts of highs and guttural lows.
Motion chews at my stomach and head.
Itch, tingle.
Running for it even if you’re wrong;
this is the spirit we employ.
We fight
like feral children
making holes and burning things
in riotous harmony.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Dream - Draw - Drive

Illustrations of Identity

These are from the Pink Book, a pink sketchbook I got in July 2010. From that summer after high school graduation through my first year at college. Here are some concept sketches for sculpture, exploring identity and representation of the self.