This is what happens, the letters fall to mush as I try to write them. Have I been hindering myself? The impulse that drives me thru waves of bullshit on Twitter is, perhaps, -- no, FUCK perhaps!! THAT IS the unsatisfied nerve to WRITE. I can't even type words easily.
I am an enormous child, taller than my piles. Drafts of drama, days of waves. I stand over somebody, I know I must stand over somebody, because my privileges tell me so. They tell me so.
Writing about things in pieces so I can touch upon them without delving immediately into a plunge of woe. What the fuck kind of language is that?
To let myself be as loose and fluid in my shared writing as I am in my whore-ish videos. To bring language to the table-- a more direct, ---
I wrote a poem, "Marathon For A Dead Swan" on my blog, this blog here. It's a blueprint for narratives & for my music. It's the crappy candle I've crafted for illuminating one of the hidden hallways of my heart/head. And it's a pretty dark hallway, so feeling like I can give it a little bit of light is uplifting.